25 Kisah Nabi

by sharediginote

Books & Reference


1. Adam: The first prophet created by Allah and human ancestors.2. Idris: He is known as a writer and bringer of knowledge.3. Noah: Noahs mission was to warn humans about the dangers of a great flood and build an ark.4. Hud: He was sent to the arrogant people of Ad.5. Saleh: Saleh was sent to the Thamud people who left behind the signs of Allah.6. Lot: He was sent to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who behaved badly.7. Ibrahim: Ibrahim is considered the father of all prophets and is known for his loyalty to Allah.8. Ismail: Son of Abraham who was appointed a prophet and tested with sacrifice.9. Ishaq: Ibrahims second son who was also sent as a prophet.10. Yaqub: Son of Ishaq sent by Allah.11. Yusuf: The story of Yusuf and his brothers is famous in the Koran.12. Ayyub: He experienced a difficult test in his life.13. Dhulkifl: His identity is still a matter of debate, but he is known as a wise prophet.14. Shuaib: He was sent to the Madyan people who were famous for their injustice.15. Moses: Moses was the prophet who was given the Torah and led the Children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt.16. Aaron: Moses brother who was also a prophet.17. David: King and prophet who was famous for defeating Jalut (Goliath).18. Solomon: Son of David who was given wisdom and power over jinns and animals.19. Elias: Prophet who performed many miracles.20. Alyasa: Ilyas replacement who also performed miracles.21. Yunus: Told in the Koran about his experience in the stomach of a fish.22. Zachariah: Father of Yahya (John the Baptist) and was sent to pray for his descendants.23. Yahya: The prophet who announced the coming of Isa (Jesus).24. Jesus: Prophet and Apostle who is considered by Christians to be the Son of God.25. Muhammad: The last prophet in Islam who brought the Koran as a holy book.